Wow, we made a post finally!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Lake Asal Trip

Last friday we loaded up a couple of cars with a cooler full of lunches and drinks and headed out to Lake Asal the lowest point in Africa (500 ft below sea level), and the saltiest body of water in the world. We're going to probably go back there when it gets really hot, like 130 and go see if we can float hunks of metal on the water. Plus it's like one of only a handful of trips to take in Djibouti.

Lake Asal Trip

1 comment:

Matt said...

what a cute deployment. you get to take field trips and i get to take ground assault convoys. currently writing this from some FOB in the middle of nowhere.

hope you are doing well over there. i am gonna email you my number so we can talk sometime.

kathy - the kids look great