Wow, we made a post finally!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Africans making french food, and frenchies preserving African cheetahs

I went on two adventures into Djibouti. Last night I went to a French restaurant run by Africans. The food was good. My sponsor Dawn brought me with a bunch of her Marine friends. The Marine's are required to patrol the city and all areas around the base on a random basis, meet with locals, and build relationships to enhance security. So they know the areas pretty well. Plus they're Marines, so they're a little nuts. Not the best conversationalists, unless you like PT, standing watch, breaking hummers, drinking lots of Fanta, that sort of thing, but hey they took me out into town. Then I went to a local Cheetah Reserve run by some French ladies concerned about the local cheetah population. It was pretty cool, and very cheap. I got to walk around in the African shrub. It seems that in order to survive as a shrub in Africa, you need to grow long sharp thorns. I won't make a good shrub. Anyway, click the picture below to see the photos.

First excursions

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