Wow, we made a post finally!!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Baby, I'm coming Home!!!

So I'll finally be leaving Djibouti. Around this time tomorrow I'll be stepping on the long airplane ride with 6 stops and an overnight layover in Norfolk that will get me home ~80 hours from now. I've got, "Bringing Up Boys" by Dr. Dobson to keep me occupied and get me thinking about the what to expect from my three little boys. I just need to find "The Idiot's Guide to Honey Do Lists"...


Lindsay said...

Derrick and I keep checking to see if you've made it back yet!! I can imagine how excited you all are. . just enjoy each other and do nothing but relax for the first few weeks!!!! you deserve it. (ALL Of you!!)

Clutter Cutter said...

We're excited for you all too! Welcome home Alex!